List of abbreviations relevant to anthuriums
I will update this as I think of more. Feel free to make suggestions
AOS- Ace of spades
BVEP- Black velvet eastern panama, a temporary name for a previously undescribed species now named Anthurium antolakii after Rory Antolak who discovered the species and introduced it to cultivation
DF- Dewey Fisk, most commonly used in the context of Sp Nov DF. He was a collector and the source of this famed plant as well as the NSE port. DF is also sometimes used to denote “Dark Form” ie “Ace of Spades DF”. DF is also sometimes used to abbreviate the “Delta Force” hybrid.
DP- Dark phoenix, unknown indonesian hybrid clone
FS- Fort Sherman, a pap clone from Jay Vannini named for the Army base in Panama it was found near
FTG- Fairchild Tropical Gardens, most commonly referring to the unknown hybrid from there by the name FTG crystallinum
GPH- Notation used by Juan (@GayPlantHeaux) to catalogue his carlablackiae mother plants. Most famously his original plant GPH001.
HU- Unknown Indonesian hybrid named for its creator Haji Ulih, also called King of Spades
KOC- King of clarinverium, unknown clarinervium hybrid or mutation from Indonesia
KOS- king of spades, unknown Indonesian hybrid often call HU after its creator Haji Ulih
JV- Jay Vannini. Grower and breeder in California. Best known in the anthurium hobby for his work with Rio Guanche dressleri including line breeding of the pure species and creation of several famous hybrids.
PM- Paul Marcellini. Grower and breeder in South Florida, owner of Understory Oasis. He uses his initials to denote particular clones/holdbacks, most famously his kunayalense clones.
RA- Rory Antolak. Grower and breeder in South Florida and discoverer of Anthurium antolakii. Also the source of many of the most famed clones of antolakii, carlablackiae and LG paps in particular which utilize the RA numbered cataloguing system.
RG- Rio Guanche (one of the ecotype of dressleri), also Ree Gardens a botanical gardens that sells plants most famously Ree gardens Pap clone
RF- My own short hand for the round x Felix f1 cross which I use to reference my hold backs/breeding plants from that cross “RF1” and “RF2”.
RL- Ralph Lynam, another named pap clone from Jay Vannini. Lynam was a collector. Philodendron Lynamii is also named for him.
RVDP- red vein dark phoenix, unknown hybrid out of Thailand named for its resemblance of the original dark phoenix but with red veins.